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Institute of Chinese Classics

Shenzhen University Sinology Class

"The Sinology Class of Shenzhen University" was founded in 2012 by the School of Humanities. The Class was also the first experimental class of Shenzhen University designed to promote research-oriented education of talented students. As an undergraduate program the Class is offered by the School of Chinese Studies.

It is a common practice of modern college education to emphasize specialization; but excessive specialization inside a discipline is sometimes perceived as a barrier to students’ academic development. In the tradition of Chinese academia, however, the teachings of Literature, History, and Philosophy were integrated as one in its system of education. This traditional feature of integral education is followed by the Sinology Class in its interdisciplinary teaching practice.

The mission of the Sinology Class is to educate talented students for the society. The Class strives to equip our students with humanistic spirit and solid methodology. Upon their graduation, the students are expected to have a comprehensive grasp of the basics of Chinese literature and history, and be versant with the classics of Chinese Studies.

The curriculum of the Class focuses on the study of Chinese classics such as Jing, Shi, Zi, Ji. It also emphasizes the study of Chinese philology, phonology, paleography and exegetics. The courses are conducted in the mode of small-class teaching, enhanced by a tutorship system.

The curriculum of the Class is flexible and innovative. Students will choose their majors from Literature or History or Philosophy, and write their graduation theses accordingly. They are also encouraged to do their own independent researches.

The Class also features rich extracurricular activities for the students. Students in the second and third grades will participate in professional practices and field investigations during their summer breaks. The students also have the opportunity to study abroad, and the study is supported by the School’s dedicated fund. In addition, the School also offers courses in Chinese traditional arts to help the students appreciate the Chinese traditional culture.

The Sinology Class is open to all freshmen at the beginning of each fall semester, and sophomores are also eligible for the application. Every year, about 20 talented students with outstanding academic records and strong interests in traditional Chinese culture are chosen from the candidates. Those who are chosen will change their majors to Sinology Study, and they will be conferred degrees in Literature, History or Philosophy according to the fields of their graduation theses. Since 2012, the Sinology Class has completed multiple undergraduate education cycles. Our students have made remarkable academic achievements. Dozens of students have been admitted to the graduate programs of The University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Renmin University of China, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-sen University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University and other domestic and foreign universities.

Head of the Sinology Class:

Niu Pengtao (Office: Wenke Lou 2117; Phone: 26535496)

Adress:1 / F, Huiwen Building, Shenzhen University